Symptoms Of Sleep Apnea You Should Know

Dr. Ilya Benjamin

Do you wake up every morning feeling tired and drowsy? Do you snore loudly while sleeping? Do you have headaches that never seem to go away? These are symptoms of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that affects millions of Americans. If you are having trouble sleeping at night, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist to check for sleep apnea.

Check out some of the symptoms in detail:

Chronic Snoring

Snoring is the most obvious symptom of sleep apnea, but not the only one. Other symptoms include shortness of breath and difficulty sleeping through the night. If you or your partner notices you stop breathing during the night or gasp for air at odd times, make an appointment with your dentist to discuss treatment options. If left untreated, sleep apnea can increase the risk of high blood pressure and even heart attack.

Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

People with sleep apnea often experience excessive daytime sleepiness, causing them to fall asleep during daily activities. You may feel exhausted after only a few hours of being awake and feel the need to nap during the day. You may also suffer from insomnia at night because your brain stays in an active state to focus on breathing throughout the night. This lack of quality sleep often causes fatigue that can last throughout the day. If you struggle to get through the day without feeling tired or fatigued, it may be time to schedule a consultation with us to discuss possible treatment options for sleep apnea.

Morning Headaches

Frequent morning headaches are a sign that you may be suffering from sleep apnea. These can be caused by a lack of oxygen throughout the night and can result in pain, pressure, or a throbbing sensation in the forehead or around the eyes. It is especially common to experience these in the mornings because your sleep cycle has been disrupted the night before. If you are experiencing regular headaches in the morning, don’t ignore them! 

Memory Problems

People with sleep apnea may experience memory loss, especially when they stop breathing for an extended length of time during the night. This happens when the brain doesn’t get enough oxygen, causing it to slow down. The condition can also contribute to long-term brain damage like dementia and Alzheimer’s.


Many patients who suffer from sleep apnea also deal with an irritable personality due to interrupted sleep cycles. This irritability can negatively affect relationships with spouses and other family members, as well as cause tension in the workplace or at school. Not being able to focus at work can lead to a vicious cycle of poor performance because the patient is less productive at work, and so they are not taken as seriously as their colleagues.

If left untreated, this nighttime disorder can also affect a patient’s mood during the day and lead to increased feelings of sadness or depression. It can also cause memory loss and even weight gain as a result of poor eating habits caused by excessive tiredness during the day. Treatment for sleep apnea can help to alleviate many of these symptoms by restoring a regular sleeping pattern.

Mood Swings

Sleep apnea and chronic fatigue can leave you feeling exhausted during the day, but they can also affect you emotionally. You may feel depressed and irritable or anxious and nervous. Sometimes being so tired is the reason for these feelings; other times, they’re the result of having sleep apnea. Either way, it’s important to treat your sleep apnea so you can get a better night’s sleep and get back to feeling your best.

Call Dream Dental at (725) 234-3106 or schedule an online appointment to visit our dental office at 8685 W Sahara Ave Suite 100, Las Vegas, NV 89117. We will be happy to guide you further.

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Dr. Ilya Benjamin
Written by Dr. Ilya Benjamin
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