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Cosmetic Dentistry,Dental Hygiene,Dental Implants

The Impact of 3D Printing on the Dental Industry

3D printing technology is a relatively new innovation in the dental industry. However, it's quickly gained an immense following and risen quickly in popularity....

The Impact of 3D Printing on the Dental Industry

3D printing technology is a relatively new innovation in the dental industry. However, it's quickly gained an immense following and risen quickly in popularity....

5 DRINKS that Can Negatively Affect Your Teeth

Drinking some beverages can cause a lot of damage to your oral health. So, if you want to keep your teeth healthy, you might want to avoid the drinks that can n...

5 Telltale Signs that You Need a Root Canal

Experiencing severe tooth pain? It goes without saying that you need to visit a reliable dental clinic in Las Vegas and see a dentist as soon as possible. A den...

5 Foods to Avoid that Can Negatively Affect Your Teeth

Developing healthy eating habits as well as maintaining good oral hygiene are important for keeping teeth and gums healthy. Calcium rich foods (such as broccoli...

Understanding Your Teeth – What Makes Up a Healthy Tooth

It is no secret that our teeth play a major role in our everyday life. People need to have healthy teeth to chew food properly. Our speech also depends on the h...

Common Dental Hygiene Mistakes that You Must Avoid

Poor dental hygiene as well as making dental mistakes can affect your oral health dramatically. That means that you must constantly take care of your teeth and ...

Why Should You Maintain Good Oral Hygiene?

Oftentimes, dental treatments cost patients a lot of money. However, a lot of dental diseases can be easily prevented. Of course, it’s a lot cheaper to preven...

Do you have diabetes? Save your healthcare bills by getting proper dental cleaning, new study reveals.

There was an interesting medical study been recently conducted by ADA Health Policy Institute. The main objective of the study was to analyze the impact of peri...

Warning Signs of Gum Disease

Gum disease affects your dental health and often results in tooth loss as well as many other negative consequences. Without a doubt, gum disease requires fast a...